The Candles

Life is a candle
Burning in the wind
Sometimes you feel the calm
Sometimes you feel pinned

Sometimes the little cracks
Are simply burnt away
Sometimes they all add up
A scar to forever stay

Sometimes people’s candles
Are blown out way too soon
Sometimes you live a nice long life
Like the ever-present moon

And sometimes fame and glory
Come from all you’ve sown
Sometimes you only read about them
In the books you own

And sometimes when you’re feeling down
Somebody picks you up
Sometimes they simply walk on by
Leaving pennies in your cup.

Life is good. Life is bad
Life is happy. Life is sad

Life is weird. Life is gay
Life keeps going, everyday

You’ll be nice, and, alas,
Sometimes you will be the ass.

But does it matter? Does it really
‘Cuz after all the touchy-feely

Your life is just a candle
Adding to the light
Of a billion others
Oh, but what a sight

Alone, you see, it’s futile
The darkness will close in
But if we burn together
Then the light will win