Take Me, Please

Too many times I've been let down
So many times my eyes forgot to tear
It took me a while to get my feet on the ground
And now that they are, I'm glad that you're here

Too many times I'd thought I'd found love
And too many times it just wasn’t true
Now my head's not in the clouds above
It's here with my heart- both waiting for you

Now I realize the errors of my ways
True like and love take time to become
It's like I just found the exit to this maze
I wonder how I used to be so foolish and dumb

You have watched me for some time
You've seen my sides, both good and bad
You were sugar when I - the lime
You've seen me happy, you've seen me sad

Before I close, one final thought
Let me take your hands, let me see your eyes
For me, it's time- no more love store bought
My feelings for you are in the skies

The bright blue sky, the sun and moon
The twinkling stars and night know how
I confessed to them how much I did swoon
When I kissed the lady I stand with right now

And this fair creature, this blossoming rose
This person more precious than a snowy dove
Let me kiss your lips, and then your nose
And ask if I may call you My Love

In other words, if me you'll take
Your boyfriend I'd like to be
Now if you can't reply- by some mistake
Do not worry- just nod and kiss me